Just for future reference, I'm going to let you in on a little device I've been using for a while.
Every so often I'll come across something that is so strange or hard to believe, or sometimes so intriguing, that I can hardly describe it. When I'm at that kind of loss, I pull out a tool I call the Weird-Stuff-O'meter. Yeah. It measures really, really weird, strange stuff. You can figure how it works. If something's crazy weird, it registers on the meter.
I've posted a picture along with this description. It consists of a simple hand held unit which features an LCD display. Attached are two wired probes. When you encounter the weird object, you stick the probes....

Never mind. It doesn't matter where you stick 'em right now. All you need to know is that when something's eceptionally weird the display flashes with the corresponding number, 1-10. 1 being only midly weird. 5 through 7, pret-ty darn weird ( like those Burger King commercials where the King, wearing a vaguely psychotic looking mask, offers you a 1 thousand calorie sausage sandwich )
Anything above 7 takes us into the realm of the VERY weird ( like Dick Chaney's convoluted tale of how he accidentally managed to shoot his good friend in the face while hunting for quail. From a car.) Anything above an 8.5 and the meter begins to flash and an audible alarm sounds. If it gets too weird, the numbers on the display will dissapear altogether. Once, just once, the strangeness got so intense, the numbers vanished, to be replaced by a flashing
" T-I-L-T ". I'll have to tell you that story some time. If it should happen again, I'll let you know.
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