Here's another update...this one from the earlier post about the cemetery visit. My friend, who took the terrific pictures on that trip, also provided me with some aditional fascinating information. The whole time we were examining the Masonic gravemarkers, we kept running across lettters. Abbreviations for things we weren't quite sure of. My buddy found a long list he got it from another blog put together by a guy named Steve. So Steve, thanks for the info.
If you happen to come upon any Masonic implements, and see abbreviations that mystify you, just use our litttle list for reference. My personal favorite right now is the AUM ( Ancient Order of Mysteries ) This is an abbreviation we ran into time and time again during our excursion. Heavy stuff, no? And as I said before, these inscriptions tell you A LOT about what these people think of themselves. Check it out:
**.....AF&AM - (masonic)
AOF - Ancient Order Of Foresters
AOH - Ancient Order Of Hibernians
AOKMC - Ancient Order Of Knights of Mystic Chain
AOUW - Ancient Order Of United Workmen
ALOH - American Legion of Honor
AUM - Ancient Order of Mysteries- Masonic Order
BPOE - Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks
BPOEW - Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of theWorld
CK of A - Catholic Knights of America
COOF - Catholic Order of Foresters
CTAS - Catholic Total Abstinence Society
CBKA - Commander Benevolent Knights Association
CCTAS - Crusaders-Catholic Total Abstinence Society
CSA - Confeserate States of America
DAR - Daughters of American Revolution
EBA - Emerald Beneficial Association
FAA - Free and Accepted Americans
F&AM - Free and Accepted Masons.
FOE - Fraternal Order of Eagles
GALSTPTR - German American Legion of St. Peter
GAR - Grand Army of the Republic
GLAUM - Grand Lodge Ancient Order of Mysteries-Masonic Order
GUOOF - Grand United Order of Odd Fellows
IHSV - Red Cross of Constantine
IOI - Independent Order of Immaculate...**